They’re full of worms!

There are slogans for slow fishing.  Two you hear this time of year:  They aren’t looking up yet and They’re full of worms.  Like most catchphrases, they aren’t 100% accurate but they are accurate enough.  What’s happening right now is simple:  There is more food in the river than the trout could

March 25, 2025

Shop Hours 8am – 6pm Daily

We have set a date for our Spring River Clean-Up…Saturday May, 3, 2025.  Stay tuned for details and please save the date!

“March Madness” is upon us!!!  The river has been fishing well most days, but depending on the section and water conditions there

March 23, 2025

Mark your calendar!! This year’s BBT Spring River Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 3rd…

The annual spring river cleanup is always a difficult day to nail down with the Trout Opener, Easter, Mother’s Day and all the Graduation stuff going on around then, but May 3rd seems to avoid

March 21, 2025

Hey guys, I was hoping to have time for a quick report before the weekend, but that’s just not going to happen….

Thanks Tom!

I have tomorrow blocked off and will most likely find the time then to do some editing/writing and post it on Sunday or Monday sometime.


March is a rollercoaster.  On the nice days we have been balancing work with play.  On one hand, there is a ton to get done around the lodge before the trout begin rising.  On the other hand, it’s hard not to go fishing on a nice fishing day.  Today, for

March 17, 2025

Shop Hours 8am – 6pm Daily

“March Madness” is upon us!!!  The river has been fishing well most days, but depending on the section and water conditions there have been some slower days reported.  Water temps have been playing a big role in success.  Right place at the right time

March 13th 2025

From Matt Re: Grand Rapids area

The spring run of steelhead is here. 

Warmer temperatures and a bump in river levels have pushed a lot of fish up the river systems. Most of our rivers still have a good amount of stain to the water from the recent snow runoff

They’re back

Not the rainbows…the red-winged blackbirds.  After a nice weekend down at the Midwest Fly Fishing Expo, our tired crew returned home, unloaded fishing gear late into the night, dropped off the U-Haul truck, and then, at the lodge on Monday morning, heard the surest sign of spring:  the red-winged blackbirds. 

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