Late March Fishing Report

With the official start of Spring this week, it seems that Winter is making up for some delinquency bringing  us some cooler temps, wind and snow. Steelhead fishing continues on the Manistee River below Tippy Dam and Betsie River with water conditions near ideal. It’s been a bit since we

Mid March Fishing Report

Significant rains after the last fishing report brought the Manistee and Betsie River levels up quite a bit and added some color which encouraged steelhead to migrate upstream. Since then, the water levels have fallen pretty much back to normal levels for this time of year. Clarity has improved, too,

Early March Steelhead Fishing Report

The mild winter continues with some back-and-forth weather, but we are experiencing more warmer days than cold ones especially for the beginning of March. The snow we received this winter slowly melted into the ground replenishing the water table rather than creating a high-water situation to prematurely kick the run

February 15, 2024

Well folks what a strange ride we have been on.  Going from low water and no snow, to several feet of snow, to the huge melt and spring like conditions and then just like that thrown back into winter.  Mother nature is definitely having a fun time throwing us curve

The Manistee River

I have long preferred the soothing and varied tempo of the Manistee River- ‘Spirit of the Woods’ as legend would have it, restores and refreshes me. It’s more popular sister river to the east, The Au Sable, can hold the title/moniker birthplace of Trout Unlimited, but the 190 miles of

February 5th 2024

Well folks, for the first time in a couple years Punxsutawney Phil popped out of his burrow and was unable to see his shadow – it looks like spring will be here before we know it.   Now if that isn’t great science, I don’t know what is.  All sarcasm

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