Dry Fly Fishing

Live and Die with a Dry Fly!

When I think about the many traditions immersed in the fly fishing world, images of dry fly fishing for trout quickly come to mind.  Dry fly fishing is truly an artistic pursuit. It is typically the first of many fly fishing experiences a trout angler

February 27, 2025

Shop Hours 9am – 5pm Daily

It has been a good old fashion Michigan winter the past couple months.  Exactly what we hoped for after the last few mild winters.  This should help our water-levels this spring and replenish the aquifer for Northern Michigan rivers/Lakes.  There are plenty of steelhead

Spring Slow & Fast

Most years it begins now, and 2025 is no exception.  A few warm days in a row and then, a week later, a few more.  The feeder birds are now scavenging beneath the feeders as the melting snow reveals untouched seeds.  Deer — confined for months by a few well-beaten trails

February 23, 2025

Hey guys, long time again… Full disclosure, this image (The same one as the header.) is actually from a memory that popped up from a couple of years ago, but it was a cool fish that got me fired up!

The only fish I’ve actually landed since last

Kevin Feenstra’s New Book:


Kevin Feenstra’s New Book:  Matching Warmwater Baitfish:  

Soon after my previous book, Matching Baitfish, was written, I started working on another book.    Though similar in some ways, it is geared toward totally different gamefish and some new genres of bait fishes.   The book is called Matching

The Trout Journal | The Cabins Fever | S2E3 Fly Fishing Upper Peninsula MI

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuEEBvHFZls Dark Waters Fly Fishing Shop, is located in upper peninsula MI, and offers remote Fly Fishing Guide Services in the heart of the U.P. To experience scenic, secluded, fly fishing that you’ll always remember, contact us today! [email protected] website: https://www.darkwatersflyshop.com​ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DarkWatersFl​… instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dark_waters​… Camera Gear: Sony A6400 https://amzn.to/3ec7L1l​

All Like This One

The occasional warm winter is okay, but I wish they are all like this one.  Not too cold, not too warm, and feet of snow.  We received another half-foot last night, and there is more in the forecast for this weekend.  That will take our 2025 grand total to a lot

Are Grouse Good To Eat?

Are Grouse Good to Eat? A Delicious Game Bird Worth Trying

If you’re a fan of wild game or looking to expand your culinary horizons, you might have wondered: Are grouse good to eat? Grouse, a type of upland game bird, has been enjoyed by hunters and food lovers for

Finally a Winter

It’s been a few years since we’ve had a “real” winter.  I’m not sure what defines a “real” winter — I suppose it’s a moving target — but I guess the best definition, at least around Grayling, is in the form of a question:  can you drive through the entire

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