Early December Fishing Report

Winter has come in hard with some sustained lake effect snow like we haven’t seen in some time. Thankfully the ground isn’t frozen and some of this snow will slowly seep into the water table to replenish an aquifer that was parched from last summer’s and fall’s drought. Steelhead fishing

Big Snow

On our wish-list for this winter was lots and lots and lots of snow…and we got it!  Gaylord broke a 24-hour snowfall record which, let me tell you, is no small feat for that alpine-inspired little berg.  What’s good news for us is that the majority of our rivers originate

  • Source: Gates Au Sable Lodge
  • Read full post: Big Snow

December 4, 2024

Hey guys,

I’ve been out a few times and caught a few fish since that last report, but mostly I’ve been busy with all sorts of other projects so I’m not super up to date on current conditions. I’ve got a half day trip on Saturday and then I’ll be

Fishing Report 11/30/24

Northern Michigan Steelhead Fishing Report
November 30th, 2024

Despite the cool down, the steelhead run is in full swing across Northern Michigan and anglers are finding success on many of the region’s rivers. Here’s what you need to know:

River Conditions

Winter time in the Upper Peninsula

Egg patterns are definitely a must-have for steelhead anglers, as they can be especially effective when fish are targeting eggs during their spawn. Nymphs and indicators for those who prefer that approach is spot on too—stones, hex, and caddis are always good choices, and they match up well with the

Winter time in the Upper Peninsula

Egg patterns are definitely a must-have for steelhead anglers, as they can be especially effective when fish are targeting eggs during their spawn. Nymphs and indicators for those who prefer that approach is spot on too—stones, hex, and caddis are always good choices, and they match up well with the

Trying new

Happy Thanksgiving!  Best wishes to all of you for a great and safe holiday.

Every year — or maybe every season — I try new stuff.  A few years ago it was upstream streamer fishing (very, very effective…but a lot of work).  Sight fishing is one of my favorites, but…it’s

  • Source: Gates Au Sable Lodge
  • Read full post: Trying new

November 25th 2024

Rainy days and low water? 

We’ve had a lot of damp rainy days the last couple weeks, but really haven’t seen enough rain to raise our rivers up. The good news is that we’re getting just enough to keep a steady trickle of fish coming

November 20, 2024

Shop Hours 9am – 5pm Daily

November is not over….2/3’s in the books and 1/3 left to write.  It has been up and down, but mostly up.  A couple slower days due to low water/blue skies and/or the fish pushed through where we were that day, however we are getting

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