2023 New Years Eve – Steel for Steal Hold’em


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLuejBTUyv0 #flyfishing #trout #fishing The Fly Fish the Mitt annual New Years Eve Poker (fishing) Run is back in a little different format. With the lack of steelhead around we had to adjust our game plan and include trout. Rules: *Every man for himself. *Before we start each person draws

October 2, 2024

Hey guys, it’s well past “my turn” again on this whole reporting thing, but once again, I’m pretty sure John covered most of it all in his report here… We’ve been having a pretty darn good season overall if you knew what part(s) of the river to fish with some ups

September 30, 2024

Shop Hours are 7am to 7pm Daily

We finally received a couple days of heavy rains last week!  The river rose and colored up for a few days…we needed that for sure!  It certainly shuffled the deck and brought in some more fish.  The river is dropping and clearing too

Late September Fishing Report

With Fall officially starting last week and September coming to an end, it still kind of feels like summer with temperatures in the 80s. I guess, the summer of 2024 continues. With salmon being a migratory species looking to get upstream to spawn, they have a biological clock that sometimes

Fishing Report 9/28/24

This the last weekend of trout season and the forecast calls for beautiful weather! Be sure to check out the regulations on your favorite river before fishing after the weekend.

Boardman River Trout Water

As we mentioned above, this is the last weekend for trout season upstream

Different Days

This is the last fishing report of the general trout season.  By next Wednesday, the many little trout streams in Michigan will be closed, along with a lot of the designated trout lakes, and a few of the big river stretches as well.  That — and the increasing aggressiveness of

September 23rd 2024

Fall is a time of change and presents many opportunities for fishing. We have been fishing multiple river systems across the state. The Grand, Muskegon, Pere Marquette, and Flat River have all been producing fish for us in the last couple of weeks. The best part about the fall transition

September 22, 2024

Shop Hours are 7am – 7pm Daily

Well, it finally rained and it rained hard all day today!  We will see what that will do, but it certainly had the fish moving all day in the section John R and I were fishing today!  Plus, Steve and Kam were further

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