The Trout Journal | Keep the Lie Alive | Fly fishing Upper Peninsula MI Season 2 Episode 1 of The Trout Journal Future episodes will follow. Dark Waters Fly Shop is located in Iron River, MI in the Upper Peninsula. Feel free to to check out our website, or our instagram account. We’d love to get you on the water. -Seth

Quality of Flies


Set the Hook!“-exerts the guide.

Ewp~ #$^@%!! Damn, I missed again!” casually disclaimers client.

That’s the third trout you’ve missed today.” arm chair QB fishing buddy retorts from stern of the drift boat.

Lemme check that fly, I know it’s your favorite ‘Lucky’ Adams,     –BUT it is missing

Winter in the Upper Peninsula

The hot ticket right now has been the nymph game which is par for the course but the occasion to grab a big one on the strip or swing is still an option. nymphing with stones, caddis, or a well-presented egg pattern has been the choice of fly patterns for

Staying Warm during Winter Fishing

Staying Warm during Winter Fishing

Steelhead are cold-water critters.  Steelhead anglers need to learn how to Stay Warm during the Winter while chasing them. Steelhead can be caught all winter long in water temperatures as low as 33 degrees.  Steelhead will feed all winter long, fight extremely hard when hooked

Wyoming Episode 2 – Trout REDEMPTION With Bonus Cop Situation #nature #fishing #outdoors Day 3 of our Wyoming fishing trip went way better than the first few. After a couple rough sessions, due to low water and storms, the stars aligned and we finally hit trout paydirt. We were surprised to find the the river in fishable condition considering

December 24, 2024

Shop Hours 9am – 5pm

I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at BBT!!!  Hope you all have a great holiday season with family and friends!!!  Cheers to a great new year with health and happiness!!!  Looking forward to

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