Mid April Fishing Report

Not much has changed since the last report as a trickle of fresh fish move up the rivers as others spawn, while those that already have drop back to the lake. We have had some rainfall but not as much as we were hoping for to really test the hypothesis

April Fishing Report

Steelhead fishing on the Manistee and Betsie Rivers has been slower than normal for this time of year. While we have received some rain events over the past two weeks, the fish haven’t showed up in significant numbers, but rather just a trickle of fresh fish. Because the land is

Fishing Report 4/6/24

Manistee River Fishing Report

This week has brought a variety of weather with some rain and great bump in water levels to spark some fresh steelhead into running up the river to spawn.  It has been the strangest of springs so far with water temperatures hitting 42

April 2nd 2024

While steelhead may be past their peak on most rivers, forecasted rains will likely bring in pushes of fresh fish. Egg imitations continue to produce with all the spawning fish on beds, as well as fry and alevin patterns. 


Water temperatures are on the rise, and

Early April Fishing Report

Some rain last week gave the rivers a nice little bump in water flow and some additional steelhead moving upstream from lake Michigan. Clarity is still really good on the Manistee River below Tippy Dam, and is a little more stained on the Betsie River. Water temperatures have pretty much

Late March Fishing Report

With the official start of Spring this week, it seems that Winter is making up for some delinquency bringing  us some cooler temps, wind and snow. Steelhead fishing continues on the Manistee River below Tippy Dam and Betsie River with water conditions near ideal. It’s been a bit since we

Mid March Fishing Report

Significant rains after the last fishing report brought the Manistee and Betsie River levels up quite a bit and added some color which encouraged steelhead to migrate upstream. Since then, the water levels have fallen pretty much back to normal levels for this time of year. Clarity has improved, too,