Spring time in Da U.P.

We started with almost zero snow on the books, and I might say I was concerned. When I was about to start making phone calls to start rescheduling things we got a small snowstorm and some rain giving the river systems some water and restoring a bit of hope. Then

Spring time in Da U.P.

We started with almost zero snow on the books, and I might say I was concerned. When I was about to start making phone calls to start rescheduling things we got a small snowstorm and some rain giving the river systems some water and restoring a bit of hope. Then

Fishing Report 4/25/24

April 25, 2024 Northern Angler Fly Shop Fishing Report Trout Opener!!

The weather has been perfect for setting the stage for a fantastic Trout Opener Weekend!   Things are ahead of schedule as one can imagine with the mild winter we experienced.  Morels are

Late April Fishing Report

As April winds down, I can say I’ve never experienced one like this one before. The steelhead fishing was affected by the lack of rain and high water from a snowpack that never happened in this El Nino year. Winter was mild and so was the run of fish as

Brother Ben!

(Ben with a monster Muskegon river steelhead!)

Here’s my brother Ben from La Cresent, Minnesota with a monstrous chromed out steelhead from the Muskegon river.

(Ben with a matching monster buck from the Muskegon)

Ben with a matching monstrous buck from the Muskegon.  Very likely the “alpha male” that was

One Cast Key Does It Again!

(Greg with a double strip buck)

Here’s Greg from Big Rapids, MI with a beautiful double stripe buck Muskegon river steelhead.

(Greg with a big rainbow trout)

Greg with a large rainbow trout from the Muskegon.

(Greg with another double stripe buck)

Greg with another big double stripe buck.
