April 29 2024

Well…we finally crossed the season finish line for steelhead. It was a tough season going all the way back to October of 2023. If I had to say…the best fishing was from late January through the first week of March, with February being the best by far…this is mostly due

  • Source: Rivers Bend Guide Service
  • Read full post: April 29 2024

Brother Ben!

(Ben with a monster Muskegon river steelhead!)

Here’s my brother Ben from La Cresent, Minnesota with a monstrous chromed out steelhead from the Muskegon river.

(Ben with a matching monster buck from the Muskegon)

Ben with a matching monstrous buck from the Muskegon.  Very likely the “alpha male” that was

One Cast Key Does It Again!

(Greg with a double strip buck)

Here’s Greg from Big Rapids, MI with a beautiful double stripe buck Muskegon river steelhead.

(Greg with a big rainbow trout)

Greg with a large rainbow trout from the Muskegon.

(Greg with another double stripe buck)

Greg with another big double stripe buck.


Bright As Chrome!

(Jeff with a crystal chrome Muskegon river steelhead)

Here’s Jeff from Chicago with a chrome steelhead so bright he had to wear sunglasses!

(Jeff with a hard fighting buck!)

Jeff with a hard fighting buck that took him into the backing on his fly reel in seconds!

(Jeff with another

Michigan DNR fishing report for March 15

Northwest Lower Peninsula

Overall: The return of winter has slowed things down. River steelhead fishing is decent in the lower stretches. Water levels were low and clear levels which makes fishing a little more difficult. Ice on the inland lakes is unpredictable. Caution needs to be used.

Bear River: In Emmet County had reports of some steelhead starting to run.

Betsie River: Steelhead are being caught.

Manistee: Coho salmon and brown trout fishing is picking up for those trolling along the beach. There is one dock in at the First Street launch. Pier anglers caught a couple steelhead and brown trout.

Big Manistee River: Steelhead fishing is decent in the lower river.

Ludington: A few hardy anglers trolling or pier fishing caught steelhead and brown trout. Those trolling were in 10 to 20 feet along the beach.

Pere Marquette River: Steelhead fishing picked up from the Twin Bridges at US-31 to Lake County but cold temperatures have once again slowed the bite.

Pentwater River: Has steelhead for those braving the cold weather.


Southwest Lower Peninsula

Overall: Coho salmon and brown trout fishing was picking up in the waters south of St. Joseph. Most of the action came when trolling along the beach but some anglers were going out to 200 feet when the weather allowed.

St. Joseph River: Although river levels are still higher than normal, steelhead action was good as the fish ladders are open and steelhead could be seen. Boat anglers were doing best but shore anglers caught a few.

Dowagiac River: Anglers caught a couple steelhead up near the Pucker Street Dam.

Kalamazoo River: Water levels were still a bit high but anglers have caught steelhead and walleye up near the Allegan Dam.

Grand River at Grand Rapids: Although river levels are still higher than normal, steelhead action was good with a number of fish observed at 6th Street. Walleye were also being caught at a slower pace but they are definitely in the river. Steelhead are being caught in Prairie Creek in Ionia County.

Rogue River: Is also producing some steelhead.

Muskegon: Pier anglers were getting the occasional steelhead.

Muskegon River: Water levels continue to drop and the water clarity was still stained. Steelhead fishing was good but the cold and snow will slow the bite.

White River: Steelhead were caught but the cold spell slowed the bite.

Continue reading “Michigan DNR fishing report for March 15”

Michigan DNR fishing report for March 8

Southeast Lower Peninsula

Huron River: Was producing some steelhead up near the dam. Anglers were using fresh spawn or a jig tipped with a wax worm.

Southwest Lower Peninsula

Overall: Coho salmon were starting to show up in the southern portion of Lake Michigan. New Buffalo and St. Joseph would be good places to start. Steelhead movement was good in the large river systems. The inland lakes were ice free for the most part.

St. Joseph River: Staff cleaning out the fish ladders reported good numbers of steelhead using the ladders at Berrien Springs and Niles.

Kalamazoo River: Had good steelhead movement.

Grand River at Grand Rapids: Water levels are coming down and the river is fishable. Anglers were getting a good number of fish up near the Sixth Street Dam. Steelhead were hitting on spawn and a couple walleye were taken on a jig with a rubber tail, minnows or flatfish.

Rogue River: Was also producing some steelhead.

Muskegon River: Water levels continue to drop. Anglers will need to watch for debris coming down which is hard to see when the water is stained. Those casting have caught some very nice steelhead.

Northeast Lower Peninsula

Tawas River: Shore anglers in the lower river caught a couple walleye or steelhead.

Northwest Lower Peninsula

Overall: There was still some ice fishing taking place however those heading out need to use extreme caution. Steelhead fishing was so-so.

Anglers are catching a few winter fish, but the main spring run has not showed up yet. Reports have come in of brown trout caught off the piers along Lake Michigan.

Betsie River: Was producing some steelhead.

Big Manistee River: Some chrome colored steelhead were taken in the lower section of the river.

Ludington: Boat anglers were getting some nice catches of brown trout and a few coho when trolling along the beach in 10 to 15 feet. Pier anglers caught brown trout.

Pere Marquette River: Anglers were getting steelhead though the return of cold weather will slow the bite. Try fishing the deeper holes until it warms back up.

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